Policy & Advocacy

We are dedicated to pushing policy that aligns with our goals of promoting racial justice, career advancement, and breaking down the barriers to economic mobility.

Our Policy Action Plan


We promote economic mobility, focusing on those most impacted by systemic racism. We educate and advocate for a more equitable workforce system where racial income gaps have been eliminated and everyone has access to family sustaining wages and quality jobs.

4 Areas


Address root causes of racial disparities throughout the workforce system.

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Promote proactive, data informed strategies to remove barriers impacting access to work and career advancement for Black and Brown workers, highlighting TE alumni voice.


Build more accesible on ramps and improve job quality, particularly at the front line/essential job categories.

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Promote policies and investments in equitable skill building and career advancement opportunities.


Create more employment opportunities for individuals with criminal justice experience.

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Decrease the number of barriers that hinder individuals with previous involvement with the criminal justice system to obtain employment with livable wages and career paths.


Acknowledge and address the social determinants of work.

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Advocate for better integration of more holistic supports into workforce programming to increase engagement, retention, and advancement in the workforce.

What Us

Policy Work

We work with community members and policy partners to track and support legislation by collecting testimony, meeting with elected officials and collaborating with organizations on city, county, state, and nation-wide initiatives.

Policy Pulse Newsletter

Policy Feed

Follow our X (formally known as Twitter) for more of Toward Employment's policy & advocacy.

So excited to celebrate this accomplishment alongside @acluohio and other supporting partners!

Advocates Applaud Legislature and Governor DeWine for Reducing Debt-Related Driver’s License Suspensions with Passage of HB 29 --

Today, we thank Gov @MikeDeWine for signing HB 29, removing many of the financial barriers leading to driver’s license suspensions. Ohio becomes the 25th state to move away from debt-related penalties, helping hundreds of thousands get their licenses back. #HB29 #SB37


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Real-Time Takes

Real-Time Takes is a Towards Employment "Blogcast" highlighting real people, often TE alumni, and their personal stories on challenges, and triumphs happening in "real-time". Explore their stories in 1 on 1 interviews shared as digital multi-media articles including their own authentic audio or video.

Check out our most recent Real-Time Takes blogcast:

Real-Time Takes: Collateral Sanctions and Banking- Gwen Awoyade

This is a story of Gwen, a courageous woman who overcame the stigma and barriers faced by every justice involved person. She applies her experience with restoring her own access to banking by helping Towards Employment participants rebuild their finances.

Read More about Real-Time Takes: Collateral Sanctions and Banking- Gwen Awoyade

Advocacy Initatives & Coalitions

drive to justice - logo1

Initiative Spotlight

Drive to Justice & SB37: Decriminalize Poverty

Drive to Justice is a coalition of community-based organizations (Neighborhood Connections, Policy Matters, Building Freedom Ohio, and Towards Employment) advocating to end debt-related driver’s license suspensions in Ohio. By providing education and support while connecting with policymakers, Drive to Justice aims to mobilize and empower community members around the issue of debt-related driver’s license suspensions, ensuring that public policy is informed by the views of Ohioans most affected by these policies.


Community Collaborations

Voter Engagement

Towards Employment believes a person's vote is their voice in their community. We advocate for every eligible person to become a registered voter and exercise their democratic right to vote in every election.

We do this by partnering with local and national organizations to share voting resources and voting requirement updates to those at Towards Employment and across our local community.

Thank you to our Partners in Democracy:

Partners in Policy &
Systems Change

Contact Us

Get in touch with Towards Employment's policy team at policy@towardsemployment.org or contact an individual staff member below.

Adaora Schmiedl

Chief Advancement & Community Engagement Officer