Advancing communities,

Join us in supporting a more equitable and inclusive workforce.

Towards Employment partners with various organizations and businesses both locally, and nationally to provide training, skill-building, education, and supportive services to Northeast Ohio.

We Bring

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Towards Employment has extensive provider partnerships across the community, often aligning services with organizations doing similar work. We also bring our services to other partner locations. In each partnerships, we leverage each other’s expertise to ensure participants and graduates benefit from as many resources as possible.

Interested in learning more about Towards Employment, or want your team to know more about our services? Contact us today to set up a TE presentation at your location.

TE Partner Offices

In addition to our main office, TE staff have offices in the following places.

Strategic Industry Partners

Partnering to offer sector-based training & certifications.

Towards Employment partners with key actors in the Workforce ecosystem - this strengthens our ability to understand labor market opportunities; it informs our programming and makes connections with employers; all the while providing more comprehensive services for people and businesses which in turn promotes a more aligned and equitable system for everyone.  Examples include:



ACCESS to Manufacturing

Towards Employment partners with MAGNET to offer manufacturing training and certifications.


View More:

Towards Employment and University Hospitals partner to offer training sessions to help individuals start their career path in healthcare.

Over a decade of partnering

Training Partners

TE partners with other organizations to offer training, certifications, supportive services, and coaching.

Financial Opportunity Center®

Provided by:


Financial Opportunity Centers (FOCs) in the Cleveland area help families stabilize their finances and build assets through financial education, access to benefits and job skills. Evidence has shown that by accessing these services together, participants are more likely to find and retain jobs, grow their net incomes and improve their credit scores.

Besides using Towards Employment for career readiness, credential training, employment opportunities, and legal services, TE is now a Financial Opportunity Center (FOC). FOC is a career and financial coaching service that helps families build smart money habits.

Community Referral Partners

Towards Employment works with partners to provide individualized access to supportive services and other resources to Cuyahoga residents. Together, we work to address barriers of the social determinants of work.

Social Determinants of Work

Job Flexibility




Sustained Education

Home & Community Health

Broadband Access

Access to Justice

Community Referral Partners

Partners in Systems Change

Partner with Us

Complete the contact form below or reach out to one of our staff members directly.

Dan Garven

Employment Connection Specialist

(216) 696-5750 x226

Ronnie Cannon

Sr. Manager, Community Engagement

(216) 297-4449

Addie Gall-Hunter

Advancement Associate

(216) 696-5750 x255

Staci Wampler

For Industry Partnerships

(216) 696-5750 x311