Posts Tagged ‘GROW Act’
Real-Time Takes: Collateral Sanctions and Banking- Gwen Awoyade
This is a story of Gwen, a courageous woman who overcame the stigma and barriers faced by every justice involved person. She applies her experience with restoring her own access to banking by helping Towards Employment participants rebuild their finances.
Read MoreOver 1 million Ohioans with criminal records are eligible to have their records sealed: What are we waiting for?
Published July 2024 in Policy Pulse, A Towards Employment Newsletter Article written by guest author Patrick Higgins The Getting Rehabilitated Ohioans Working (“GROW”) Act, House Bill 460, is a legislative solution to an issue that is widespread throughout Ohio: the pervasiveness of criminal records long after a person has served whatever penalty was imposed for…
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For nearly a decade, Jane Doe made “bad decisions, with bad people, in bad places”. She was convicted with a total of three fifth (5th) degree felony charges for Drug Possession and one third (3rd) degree felony for Failure to Comply. Her offenses spanned three different counties: Cuyahoga (2015), Lake (2017) and Richland (2018). Jane Doe completed each of her sentences: nine months in prison and multiple years of community control sanction; along with a suspended driver’s license and the various fees and fines associated with her cases.
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